Bench of thought.

Its a warm and breezy day, the kind that lifts sun dresses in the summer. As the wind goes about its way from the seas through the land then the next sea, a man is sitted on a park bench watching the blue sky. This is a man with alot of time on his hands.

They say the best things in life are free, what do you think?

As he gazes upwards with his shades on to protect his eyes from the somewhat glaring sun, you’d think he is on a staring contest with the big orange mass of gases in the sky of which he is definitely losing.

What is he thinking about ? Well what do you think about late at night, in your bed, all alone, in your mid 20’s still living with your parents.

It’s the root of all evil. The thing we invented as man and chase after it for most of our lives.


But he had already finished that fantasy. Onto the next one , the one that he actually cared about. The fantasy that he would like to manifest into reality.

In this day and erra what he is thinking about, people make fun of it. It’s not something people crave for anymore nor respect. It’s basically Donald trump.

A yawn of choices.

Hopped out of bed, looked in the mirror and said to myself ,” yow , my G , do we really have to go to work today?”.

We all know that voice of “reason” we always get that pushes us. That lady stepped in.( Mine is a lady , dont judge me.) ” You are broke, stop looking at the mirror ,go shower and leave.” Damn she’s truthfully cruel.

Went back to bed and did what we all do . Fiddled with my phone.

Let’s get up again shall we.

Woke up early in the morning , fatigued and I’m yawning , pockets empty, so I’m braising for a day in the lines of tiring with a morning full of doubts of happiness.

Its 5am , but tomorrow is another day.


That is the question we ask ourselves everyday and others, whether at work, home or just in the morning as our feet make contact with that cold floor, or even before that ,when that tecno phone’s alarm rings to tell you it’s time to be responsible and fulfill your obligations. You are an adult now, you got responsibilities

“why do i have to?? “.

Ever just had a thought of being a homeless guy, and the perks that came with it?? Sleeping the whole day on the green grass with the sun on your face and the wind just passing by your ears, a responsibility free lifestyle with little to no work. They are not burdened by smartphones and the pressure to please and interact with society, but “why?? ”

Why cant i just do it, im an African i work for my future which isn’t really mine ,so i work for my children, the ones in my pants who haven’t gone through the process of acceptance from the OVARY that i’m in such of to build and fertilise the future with.

but “why Do i have to go the norm way?? ”

We always scream that we are different, independent, make our own choices , ” i’m a special kind of person” Like those dreams you have every night that you are protagonist of the show , with super human traits and love for days for the women we meet in those dreams, we do not take crap from anyone , so we NARRATE sometimes just before we black out into deep slumber.

The day has ended and we still ask why? Why am i this way/the way i am ??

Maybe are we just a product of society and why we are the way we are is that we never even tried to go against the flow , the fight never started so how can we be loosing.. . .